4 natural scrubs that will leave your skin radiant
It is very important to exfoliate the skin to remove dead cells and facilitate new cell regeneration. Learn how to make four homemade scrubs with which you will be radiant.
If you want to exfoliate your skin, we suggest you prepare one with finely ground almonds, sugar and honey. Gently rub your skin and thus you will be able to remove dead skin cells.
Mix half a cup of sea salt and a quarter cup of almond oil, you can add a couple of drops of the essential oil of your choice; for smoother skin add a quarter cup of oatmeal.
Mix two tablespoons of almond oil with two tablespoons of coarse sea salt, one tablespoon of ground cinnamon and one tablespoon of grated orange peel.
*The above face mask tips are provided for informational purposes only. Colgate does not accept any liability should the below recommendations have a contrary result to the intended result. Always seek the advice of a qualified doctor or dermatologist. Never disregard professional advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read in this article.
http://www.serpadres.es/embarazo/ejercicios-belleza-embarazo/articulo/exfoliantes-caseros-para-cuidar-tu-piel http://www.deotramanera.co/relajarse-aprender/hazlo-mismo/prepara-piel-verano-exfoliacion-casera